
This page has lot’s of useful revision tricks, tips and resources to help you master your exams.

Below is our brand new revision guidance booklet. You’ll find lots of amazing tips to help you master the art of revision. All the information is based on evidence from psychological and educational research, so you can rest assured that it definitely works. Hope it helps, and good luck!

Getting Started

Maths revision can be rewarding and interesting. It can also be a chore. Find a calm and quiet place to focus, without a mobile phone or other distractions.

Steps to Maths Mastery:

  1. Learn for the first time.
  2. Practice and make mistakes (mistakes are part of the improvement process).
  3. Reflect and learn from those mistakes.
  4. Practice more and make less mistakes.
  5. Revisit and relearn this topic in deeper depth after a week, a month, 6 months and a year.

This continuous process is how we master mathematics. It takes time and this is why we need to revise throughout school, not just a month before the exams.

Below is a list of all our favourite revision resources available to students. We hope you find them useful!

This video explains how to make the most out of our videos.

Addvance Videos

Start revision with a recap of the topic. Watch our video on the topic and get your head around the examples in the video. You may want to watch the video more than once until you are comfortable with the logic behind each step, and you can remember the key ideas.
Make notes on the content in the video. These notes should be clear and colourful, this helps with memory!
Finally (and most importantly), do the practice questions in each video. Remember to check your answers are correct, we’ve included the answers at the end of each video too!

Addvancing Revision!

Addvance maths has carefully curated revision resources to support independent learning. Our library of over 200 YouTube videos are designed specifically to help students master GCSE maths, whatever their level.

Find more of our resources below:

Addvance Maths has curriculum guides for Year 7 to Year 11. These include revision videos, activities and extension activities for all the topics covered throughout high school. They are an easy way to organise your revision, and get started today. Click on the buttons above to go directly to the curriculum guide for your year now!

This amazing free website offers students a great way to practice maths at home. The website is self marking and easy to use.

For example, if I wanted to revise ‘adding fractions’, I would type into Google “Transum Adding Fractions”. The first result will normally be exactly what you need to practice this topic. Work through the questions, doing your working out on paper, put the answers in the answers boxes and then click “Mark It”. It will tell you which questions you got right or wrong. Easy!

Exam Style Practice Questions

When it comes to preparing for your GCSEs, you need to do lots of exam style practice.

I recommend the websites on the left to find exam style questions.

The simplest way to find Exam Style Questions would be to type into Google “Corbett Maths Pythagoras Theorem” (or whichever topic you would like), and click the link that says practice questions. This is normally right at the top as the first result. They will have exam style question booklets for every GCSE topic.

Dr Frost Maths also offers plenty of past paper questions. To find them easily type into Google “Dr Frost Full Coverage Circle Theorems” (or whichever topic you would like). You will find plenty of past exam questions on that topic, normally covering every imaginable exam question.


I recommend buying the CGP Revision Guide and Workbooks. These two books work together to offer the all round revision.

The Revision Guide has clear explanations of the course content, while the Workbook has lots of exam style practice questions with answers.

You can buy these on CGP or Amazon.

Addvance Maths is not sponsored by CGP.

Year 7, 8 and 9 Revision
Most revision online is aimed at GCSE/IGCSE students, and sometimes it is difficult to find the right revision resources for younger students.

My best recommendation is to focus on these three:

  • Addvance Maths Playlists:
    Year 7
    Year 8
    Year 9
  • Corbett Maths Revision
    Here is list of every maths topic imaginable. Corbett Maths have practice questions and more revision videos on all these topics.
  • Transum
    Transum has lots of simple practice questions, which give instant marked feedback. The easiest way to find these questions is to Google search: Transum Topic Name
    Eg: Transum Adding Fractions
    Transum Pythagoras
    Transum Solving Equations

Good luck!
Revision is a long term process. You are trying to build your long-term memory, and to do this you need to practice over the course of months. Hard work nearly always pays off!

If you really want to challenge your son/daughter, please check out our UKMT page. This links you to free resources for students who are aiming high in maths.